
Albert Mertz

4. Jul. 1972

“For us to see “art” as a confined pictorial world is a very learned logic.
“We are so strongly committed to this logic (learned) that we call pictorial art real – and believe photographs, when in fact they are the clearest form of abstraction. The world we have built is based on this abstraction – for good or for bad. 
“ – you were not aware of it (the painting) first as an idea, but only aware of it on this tactile level.                               
I was just trying to eliminate imagery in favor of physicality”
“Let’s assume that we can deal with an absolutely meaningless mark: in what manner can we relate to it? Besides its imagery, it exists, by having a physicality: it has weight, density, volume and energy: this physicality can be perceived experientially through personal participation” 
                                                                                        Robert Irwin.  


4. Jul. 1972
Rød blå bd 8 s. 33-34
Robert Irwin. Amerikansk kunstner (f.1928).