
Albert Mertz

6. Aug. 1974

Glænø 6-8-74.
“You see, e.g, two lengths, two colours, almost exactly alike. But if I ask myself “Does this experience consist in having a peculiar feeling?, I should have to say that it certainly isn’t characterized by any such feeling alone, that a most important part of the experience is that of letting my glance oscillate between the two objects, fixing it intently now on the one, now on the other, perhaps saying words expressive of doubt, shaking my head, etc etc. There is, one might say, hardly any room left for a feeling of similarity between these manifold experiences”
“But when two colours are similar the experience of similarity should surely consist in noticing the similarity which there is between them”.
                                                       L. Wittgenstein
                                                     “The Brown Books” 


6. Aug. 1974
Rød blå bd 20 B s. 13-14
Ludwig Wittgensteins brune og blå bøger er to sæt noter taget under foredrag af Wittgenstein fra 1933 til 1935.